Please consider partnering with the
Florida Striders by making a donation today.
Areas of need:
1) The Children's Running Program
Keeping our children walking and running regularly improves:
Grades, Focus, Behavior, Self Esteem and Fitness.
For less than $10 per child, we can provide all the incentives (marathon medals,club mile shirts for 50/100/150...300), intermediate mileage incentives (plastic feet) a child can earn in an entire school year. A very small investment in our elementary school children run/walk program makes a huge difference in their lives. With over 18,000 children supported in 50 schools...and growing. Your financial support will make a big difference!
2) Scholarships
We give 4 scholarships each year to graduating seniors.
3) Race Support and Special Projects
It takes a lot to put on races, equipment, supplies and promotions.
4) Where it's needed the most
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